Sunday, February 17, 2013

That plan!

   So much for Christ=insanity!
   What would you add? Oh, Moses' Folly [no Moses!] has all that cruelty for which to answer.
   And Muhammad's Fits has its share of  misanthropy!

God's Perfect Plan - YouTube

God's Perfect Plan - YouTube

Religion on the decline!

    The previous essay shows how the religious can misinterpret the evidence instead of giving evidence for their quackery!
     We gnus just want to participate as people using the conservation- background- of knowledge that insists that the God-notion contradicts that knowledge. He is a superfluity, a superstition.
    One  big distressing manner is how some other atheists would have us soft peddle knowledge!
    They don't advocate soft-pedaling knowledge against the paranormal. What an inconsistency of little minds!
    The spurious argument and apologetics are  enough to make me a gnu. Add the harms. And the fact that any good due to any religion , people can find elsewhere wthout  the carnage of bad apologetics. Aesop's  Fables depend on experience, not faith and do not reqire people to believe or -else!
      Gnu atheism is indeed on the march! We mean to take on the superstition of  religion with modern means.
        I dedicate this blog to my fellow gnu atheists and - to the public!

My Secret Atheist Blog: atheism

My Secret Atheist Blog: atheism

Thursday, February 14, 2013


     The previous essay gives one reason why I am a gnu atheist! Only a  pathological mind could produce such a dogma! The writers who  brag about Hell just made it up from their meaningless, morbid misanthropy. They all deserve contempt! How they have tortured others!
 Nothing will ever punish them for their cruelty. We rationalists hope that this dogma will exert less and less its ugliness as time goes by.
      Ti's not the genetic fallacy to find this dogma hateful f rom their misanthropy but hateful in itself.
      Yes, no evidence appears for Hell and none for God.
      Those misanthropes  just made up things as they desired. They had no concern for evidence, as most people were and are superstitious and thus, this superstition could influence many. It has no more reality than the fear of black cats crossing paths has!
      Other versions of Hell also merit derision! The annihilationist view is that at the judgment day, God will annihilate the evil ones. Why not just let them stay dead?
       John Hick tells us that why, Yeshua just wanted to use this as a metaphor to urge people to do good. What a rationalization by the late Hick, that ever-ready rationalizer!
       What makes you a gnu atheist should  you be one? Is the dogma of Hell sufficient? Do you dissent?

Infinite Punishment for Finite Sins

Infinite Punishment for Finite Sins

Friday, February 8, 2013

Alain de Boton is no gnu atheist but his suggestions reflect reality for everyone. He's  the don't upset the superstitious type. 
 I'm glad that that theist blog found the suggestions good without throwing a fit about atheists cannot ground their morality, no matter how moral they are and they live off ours.
 I  can entertain suggestions from the religious but use reason to check them out.
  What would be good suggestions for all to follow?

Atheist Ten Commandments

Atheist Ten Commandments