Tuesday, January 1, 2013


   Allah and Yahweh are so narcissistic, misanthropic and petulant that they revel in sending people to Hell for not raising their butts into the air to worship them constantly,etc. They suffer from low self- esteem!

   We have no need to worship anyway. As Chatpilot notes, a simple thank suffices! Putative God would have no  rights over us as our potter and we as His pottery: He doesn't own us or deserve worship anyway, and no self-respecting being would ever want any! Barbarians came up with this notion on par with praising Near Eastern absolute monarchs.

   No divine right for divine rights exists! Such a right would be immoral! Morality binds even Gods!

   Why grovel? Yes, ti's groveling.
    Ti's superstitious to pray. Putative answered prayer is post hoc- coincidental, and theists rationalize about unanswered prayer!
    As omniscient, He'd know our plight anyway.
    Ti's superstitious anyway to find divine intent behind Nature. Theism = reduced animism, and ti's as superstitious as full animism and polytheism in finding supernatural intent. Science finds none, and so to posit the supernatural contradicts science instead of complementing it!
    The idea of having to worship reflects barbarism!
     Not only do we owe no God anything, He'd owe us a better situation, facing that one-way street of Fr. Meslier' s the problem of Heaven!
    This gnu atheist goes thus to the heart of the Abrahamic religions!
     Please subscribe to God is Imaginary!
     What response do you have to this?

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