Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Guth,yes; WLC,no!

            Guth belies the fancy William Lane Craig   puts forward that science now retrodicts a finite universe with the probable fact that we inhabit a Multiverse with universes after uiniverses coming and going.
              Craig points out in debates the quantum fields are beeming with energy pulses, but he overlooks that they are whence come universes.
              He not only makes a God of the  scientific gaps but also one of the explanatory one with his Kalam!That was the scientific one.
               Also, because he conflates  the properties of finite mathematics with those of infinite mathematics, finding then false contradictions trying to show that infinity is impossible, such that his hotel and library examples bespeak a fondness for red herrings! 
                 He also fail with the God of the explanatory gap, because the idea of a personal explanation is just that of reduced animism = theism, and just as superstitious as full animism!
             He uses false evidence for a philosophical argument with  false premises but in his defense of the Resurrection he uses uncorroborated testimony of uncorroborated writers.

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