Sunday, January 13, 2013

Libby Ann,yes!

    Yes, that is how those Christians view us apostates!
     At, sixteen, I knew enough to become an atheist. I could not accept doctrines about Hell.
 What they really want is for apostates and others to brainwash themselves to become Christians. They cannot even imagine that the truth might say no to them!
    They indict themselves with their arguments from happiness- purpose and Augustine's from angst: they unwittingly confirm what we naturalists say about why they really believe their woo., and thus we make no genetic fallacy, albeit some of the arguments might fail for other reasons.
        Contrary to what some atheists maintain, beliefs can be voluntary as when people just want to believe just as S[arah] E[lizabeth] Cupp wants someday to believe. Had she deep knowledge about atheism, she wouldn't want to believe.
         Why would any rational  person want to worship anyway? We have no reason to do so! Putative God would have no right to command worship and - wouldn't want it anyway!
          I contemn worship as a travesty! This exposes theism as valuing a celestial tyrant!

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